


【 Gaoyang towel 】 The correct use of towels can drive away the skin's dimness

2024-03-200 view

 Many friends due to skin care habits are not good,resulting in more and more dim skin,Gaoyang towel for you to introduce the hot towel compress face method to help friends drive dim,in addition,can also reduce fatigue,put the towel in hot water,after sucking enough water gently twist,to cool to not hot face degree,then use the hot towel compress again,with towel to accelerate facial blood circulation.


 One is,after washing your face,wipe your face with a clean towel or paper towel.Remember,do not rub the towel vigorously,which will not only let the bacteria on the towel enter the skin,but also let the skin's cortex be damaged,and it is easy to become sensitive muscle.The important step is to wipe off.Don't rush to apply skincare to your skin.Wet your face with a warm towel for 2 minutes.The main reason for this is to open the pores of the face so that the skin can better absorb skin care products through them.If you're using a bunch of products that aren't working,it means your facial skin isn't absorbing these nutrients at all,or not enough.

 When using skin cream,first take a small amount on the palm of the hand,hands together gently knead for a while,with the palm temperature heating the skin,so that the skin cream is more easily absorbed by the skin,and then evenly spread on the face,can effectively improve the skin dullness.After using skin cream,friends should not apply sunscreen with a high Sun protection factor(SPF).This can aggravate the skin burden,cause oxidation of skin products,clog pores,and cause spots and dullness.Sometimes people look dull and listless due to staying up late,being tired,etc.At this time,the liquid foundation can be applied on both sides of the nose,the mouth of this piece of"eight"area,which can improve the permeability of the whole face,make people refreshed.Be careful not to apply it around the eye socket or it will make the eye look more puffy.

 [Koyang Towel]So the right way is to thoroughly open the pores before using the skin care products,so that your skin care products will have value.

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