


【 Gaoyang towel 】 Towel to taste tips for you!

2024-02-240 view

 In ordinary life,I believe that every towel will often be used to wash face.So,the towel will inevitably smell,how to get rid of the smell?Everyone knows that towels need to be washed regularly or they can smell bad.Encounter this kind of problem,teach you a clean towel,both clean and can remove the smell,solve many troubles in the family.Now follow Jieke Gaoyang towel Xiaobian to learn how to clean towels!

 Let's prepare a basin first,put Su down in the basin.The baking soda is a strong decontamination agent that will absorb odors from the towel,then sprinkle the salt in the basin.If towels fade very easily,salt will not only kill bacteria.Once that's done,pour in some warm water and stir both together.

 Then pour some white vinegar,white vinegar can soften the stubborn stains on the towel,put the dirty towel in warm water for a soak,stay for about ten minutes,soaking time,then take the towel out and rub,then wipe the towel,then wipe the towel dry.

 It's a towel manufacturer

 At this time,the towel is very clean,if you are worried about the odor on the towel,you can prepare a basin of water,and then put the towel in the water rub,toilet water can not only remove the mites on the towel,but also remove the mites on the towel,put the towel in the water,clean the towel with this method is clean and fragrant,clean the towel with this method not only no odor,It can also remove many family troubles.

 After reading the tips shared by Gaoyang Towel,do you know how to wash the towel to get rid of the smell?Quickly learn this method,a simple way to wash the towel both clean and deodorant,solve many family troubles.Have you learned the trick of washing towels?After watching,take the time to report to the people around you.If you think practical please forward to the side of friends,to help more people in need of help.See you next time.Bye!

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